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A conscious choice for tradition is not synonymous with a lack of creativity, on the contrary!

It is in 2004 that Julien discovers the pleasure of music with the electric bass. He then crosses paths with Francis Winandy, his first music and instrument teacher. Important encounter for him, since it will make him discover the reality of music and especially JAZZ.


He will continue to take lessons with Francis Winandy, as well as at the academy Marcel Désiron with Phillipe Doyen for 2 years.


He then completes the full program (theory and instrument) at the Jazz Studio in Antwerp, where he will graduate in 2010. He there studies the electric bass for 3 years and finishes the program on upright bass. This means a radical and permanent change of instrument for him. During this period, he takes classes with Bas Cooijmans, Jeremy Calbert, Bo Waterschoot, Richard Rousselet, Laurent Mercier, among many others.


In the course of these 4 years, he also meets 3 musicians who will open his ear and especially his view on music. Second important encounter for him: that with Augusto Pirodda, Marek Patrman and Manolo Cabras.


After finishing the Jazz Studio, Julien continues to perfect his skills on the double bass with Manolo Cabras.


In 2015 - after several years of jam sessions in Belgium, mainly in Brussels - he establishes his first "real" project, the Julien Fraipont Quintet. In this project, he's sharing the stage with Aristide Agostino, Mathieu Najean, Mathieu De Wit and Gaspard Sicx. It is for this project that he takes on a second role, that of the composer. He will record his first EP at this time.

From 2016 to 2018, Julien, among others with his quintet, will perform on various Belgian stages such as Yellow Time Jazz Festival, Brussels Jazz weekend, Gouvy Jazz festival and many others as well as in many Brussels clubs.

In parallel with all this, Julien gives lessons in various Belgian schools and academies. In 2018, he resumed lessons at the Maastricht conservatory in order to perfect his training.



Stay tuned...

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